The Force Experiment Widget (FXP Widget) is used to easily preview your variations, check draft tags, check integrations, etc.
How to install on Desktop
You will find a link when in the preview panel for any test:
Simply drag it into your bookmarks bar to install.
How to install on Android Mobiles + Tablets
If your profile is synced between desktop and your mobile, simply type "WTO Force
How to install on iPhones + iPads
Create a bookmark on any page, and call it "WTO Force Experiment"
Copy the code presented on this page
Edit your bookmark, and paste that code in the URL section
When you need to launch the widget, just click the option in your bookmarks.
Launch by hash/query string
If you want to, you can also launch this by hash or query string. To any relevant page, add ?_wt.launchfxp=true or #wto-fxp or #wto-forceexperiment.
Doesn't work? Just add the following into your preinit script:
if(location.hash.match(/wto-(fxp|forceexperiment)/i) ||{ function FXP(){var a="",b="_wto.fxp";window[b+":cfg"]={debug:!1,insTS:"1582127233693",baseURL:a,instRef:"PROD"};var c=document.getElementById(b);if(c)window.WTOExp&&WTOExp.Run("bookmarklet");else{c=document.createElement("script"),,c.src="";var d=document.body;c.onerror=function(){d.removeChild(c),alert("Error while loading WTO ForceExp. Try again.")},d&&d.appendChild(c)}}FXP(); }
We will be turning this into a feature integration soon for your ease.