Term | Description |
+ sign | This symbolises adding something to an existing element within Webtrends Optimize. An example would be adding a new user, adding an additional segment or adding an additional variation. |
AB | An experiment where two versions of a single page are compared |
AB/n | An experiment where more than two versions of a single page are compared |
Apply vs Save | Apply applies something but does not save. You can apply a different colour to a text but until the edit is saved the colour change will not appear in the variation. |
Archived | The test or target is completely disabled. Visitors will no longer be exposed to alternative experiences and control visitors no longer monitored. The data is still available in the UI. |
Attributes | The properties of an item |
Audience | A selection of visitors to your website that will see your experiment |
Baselines | Baselines are used commonly to prequalify a full test project, particularly where insight is not available in persistent data capture systems such as Analytics or CRM. |
Browse | The ability to look at the website through Visual Editor |
Class | The class attribute is used to define equal styles for elements with the same class name |
Cookie Data | A small text file (up to 4KB) created by a website that is stored in the visitor’s browser, either temporarily for that session only or permanently (persistent cookie). Cookies provide a way for the website to recognize and keep track of visitor preferences. |
Control | When conducting a scientific experiment, defining a control group is required in order to properly benchmark the impact of variations against another. The control group represents the group of visitors that are set aside and do not receive the tested treatment. This allows for performance comparison. |
Conversions | An action taken by a visitor that is key to measuring website performance. Can also be a goal that the visitor wants to achieve using the site |
Created | This is a date stamp of the date (and time) when an item was created |
Dashboard | A Webtrends Optimize report consisting of summary information—from individual projects and experiments, all grouped on one page. Dashboards provide a quick overview of key information within the account. |
Data | Information held within Webtrends Optimize |
Data Extracts | This is the unaggregated visitor event log file |
Data Imports | External information that is uploaded into Webtrends Optimize |
Data Tables | Data tables are used by Webtrends Optimize to store visitor level records. For tests, this will usually be visitor events. For imported data, this will usually be visitor records containing attributes from a source outside Webtrends Optimize. |
Data Object Attribute | A data object is a region of storage on the visitor’s browser that contains attributes and values or groups of attributes and values. Each value can be accessed using its identifier or a more complex expression that refers to the object. |
Dismiss While Editing | Elements such as overlay messages generated by the web server may be displayed during test creation and editing. This function hides them for the purposes of test creation |
Donuts | The visual representation of experiments |
Edit Styles | The ability to edit fonts, colours, size etc. |
Events – Click Event | A click event is triggered when a visitor clicks on a nominated element on a webpage |
Events – URL Entry | A page load event is triggered when a visitor arrives on a nominated webpage |
Experiments | Is often used to describe a variation |
ID | A unique identifier |
In use | This shows that a segment or data file is being used by an experiment in Webtrends Optimize |
Javascript | Is a scripting language used by web browsers. Alongside HTML and CSS, Javascript is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web. Javascript enables web pages to become interactive and is used by the vast majority of websites. |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator – Something that identifies information that suggests reaching pre-determined goals |
Live | A test or target is in the live state when activated fully to the configured segment. |
Location | The URL(s) or URL pattern (RegEx) that a test will occur AND/OR The URL(s) or URL pattern (RegEx) that data collection will occur. |
Meta Tag | Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a webpage’s content. Meta tags don’t appear on the page itself but in the page code. |
MVT | Multi-Variate Test – where multiple variables in a controlled scenario are simultaneously changed and the ensuing alternate strategies are tested, in order to improve the effectiveness of the final experiment |
Nav | The ability to maneuver around the Webtrends Optimize application |
Project | A container for tests, targets, and baselines operating on a common page range. |
Published | A project is in the published state when on test completion, the winning variation is served persistently to all visitors. |
QA | Quality Assurance – It is considered to be best practice that experiments and conversion tracking is validated across tested browsers and devices before deployment. |
Query String Attribute | A query string is the part of a URL that assigns values to specific parameters. A web server will typically read the values contained in the query string to serve specific content. |
Random | Creates a random value between 0 and 1 to support testing and targeting scenarios where experiences are to be delivered randomly. |
Regex | Regular Expression – a special text string that describes a search pattern. They have a number of applications, however, within Webtrends Optimize they are typically used to capture a range of pages with a common structure. E.g all product pages. |
Reporting | The ability to gather information appertaining to experiments. |
Restore to Original | Removes any changes applied to an element back to its default state. |
Roles | A defined selection of capabilities that a user is allowed |
Section | One area within an experiment |
Segment | In the context of Webtrends Optimize, this is a slice of traffic defined by single or multiple attributes. E.g Desktop Traffic, New visitors, Returning visitors – See Audience. |
Settings | An area where you can make changes to profiles. |
Split Test | Split testing (also known as A/B testing) is a method of controlled testing used to increase a website’s effectiveness. |
Staging | A project that is in the staging state, has been developed and available for preview – but not deployed. |
State | A test will always be in one of the following states; pending, staging, live, published or archived |
Tag Configuration | A single line of Javascript (The Optimize tag) – When installed on the webpage it allows Optimize to operate. Tags can be configured to support specific technologies or requirements. |
Target | A single or multiple alternative experience based on segmentation. |
Test | A project focused on delivering an experiment to a specific audience segment. |
Trigger | An event or situation, etc. that causes something to start- An example could be when a visitor’s behaviour demonstrates that they will be exiting a page, a lightbox could then be triggered to provide a reason to keep browsing. |
Updated | Similar to created except this is on date stamped when something that has already been created has been amended. Often seen in reports and data tables |
Users | Visitors qualifying for tests and targets are assigned a unique IDs by Webtrends Optimize. This ID is persistent for 90 days. from the same browser but only be counted one (Unique Visitors). |
User Agent | A portion of a log file that identifies the browser and platform used by a visitor. Also identified through Tags |
Variations | An alternative experience presented through either an Abn or MVT Test or Target. |
View | A view is a count of a specific test page visit or range of test pages. It may be unique to the visitor or non-unique (“All views”). |
Workspace URL | Webtrends Optimize Visual Editor can execute a test on multiple pages using the same template. The Workspace URL is an example or reference for applying changes. |
Written by James Harber
Updated over a year ago