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This document describes how to send experiment views into GA4, which is sent via. GTM's dataLayer object.
With the integration enabled. Each page view will generate an event “optimize_view”. The parameters of this event include IDs that will allow a visitor be identified as being exposed to a specific test and experiment variation.
An example is illustrated below.
The specific IDs and Alias reconcile with what is published for the specific test in the Webtrends Optimize Dashboard.
Configuration in the Webtrends Optimize UI
You must enable and configure an integration in the Optimize UI. This will emit the dataLayer events whenever users fall into a test and trigger a "pageview" event.
We will use the current GA/GTM integration, and swap out some content.
1. Enable the current GA integration
Navigate to Manage > Integrations
Find the GA integration, and Install it.
As with all integrations, select the tag/s you wish to apply it to, and flip the toggle switch to ON.
2. Replace content
Hop over to the Code section, and replace the existing code with the following:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'optimize_view', 'project_alias': `###{{eventCategory}}`, 'test_id': `###{{eventAction}}`, 'experiment_id': `###{{eventLabel}}`});
Save and close.
Your integration will take some time to go live - usually less than 10 minutes.
Note this goes into your tag, which has a 24hr cache. You will need to hard-refresh (ctrl+shift+r / cmd+shift+r) to see an uncached page download.
Google Tag Manager Configuration
With the datalayer being populated we need to take the following steps in Google Tag Manager to ingest the data.
This can be achieved by creating a single Tag, a single custom Trigger and 3 Variables
The navigation on the side allows the user to generate and review each of these GTM objects.
Step 1 - Create Variables
Variables are required to warn GTM in advance that we'll be sending parameters that need collecting.
We'll set these up first, so we can then reference them in the event capture.
We will be using Page Variable > Data Layer Variable as the Variable Type, and the following names both for the GTM Variable Name and Data Layer Variable Name:
Once set up, the User Defined Variables should have these entries:
Step 2.1 - Create the Tag
Go to Tags, and create a new one.
Give it any useful name, such as "GA4 - optimize_view"
Click onto the Tag Configuration block to edit it
Choose the Tag Type of Google Analytics GA4 Event
Enter your Measurement ID
Enter the Event Name of optimize_view
Provide the following Event Parameters:
project_alias is ###{{project_alias}}
test_id is ###{{test_id}}
experiment_id is ###{{experiment_id}}
Note that the variables, wrapped in curly braces, should show up in the autocomplete if you've set the variables up properly.
Click save to close the flyout.
Step 2.2 - Define the Trigger
We'll now define when this tag fires.
Still in the same section as above, scroll down to Triggering
Click on the block to edit it's properties. This will launch the "Choose a trigger" flyout.
In the top-right corner, click the + icon to create a new Trigger.
Give it any useful name, such as GA4 - optimize_view.
Click on the Trigger Configuration block, scroll down in the flyout, and select the Trigger Type of Custom Event.
For Event Name, write optimize_view.
Save the trigger.
Step 2.3 - Save and finish
At this point, your tag should look like this.
Click Save in the top-right corner, to save the tag.
Preview your tag if needed
Click Submit in the top-right.
Click Publish.
Step 3 - Validating the change
Once published and the snippet updates, you'll be able to see events firing into the datalayer in the console as you fall into tests.
Configuration in Google Analytics
We're sending 3 variables that you'll want to define as dimensions in GA4. This will allow you to explore that data in reports you generate.
Go to Custom Dimensions admin
Click on Admin
Click on Custom Definitions
Create 3 custom dimensions
Once on the right screen, we want to create custom dimensions with the following properties:
Dimension Name: project_alias Scope: Event Description: Project Alias for Webtrends Optimize Event Parameter: project_alias
Dimension Name: test_id Scope: Event Description: Test ID for Webtrends Optimize Event Parameter: test_id
Dimension Name: experiment_id Scope: Event Description: Experiment ID for Webtrends Optimize Event Parameter: experiment_id
Once completed, the screen should look like this:
That's it. You can now explore reports in GA4, using Webtrends Optimize parameters as dimensions.
Note: It may take 24hrs for data to show up.
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