Page Load Conversion
A page load conversion counts the number of visitors or page views on a specific URL or group of URLs.
Adding a Page Load Conversion using the user interface:
During the test set up process, you can add page load conversion at step 3 “CONVERSIONS”.
Enter conversion “Name” (E.g. Page_Confirmation)
We recommend using the “Page” prefix and avoid using spaces, apostrophes or special characters where possible.
Select “Page Load Conversion” from the ‘Type’ drop-down field.
Select a ‘Location’ from the drop-down field. If you wish to create a new one click on “Manage Locations”
. See Locations
Choose a State for your conversion – Staging, Active (Live) Always (Staging and Live) or Disabled
When you are happy press “+ ADD CONVERSIONS”
You can also collect Custom Data by providing a Page Variable name and selecting the field type from the drop-down
If you are using this field to capture Average Order Value please use either Integer or Decimal.
Once you are happy then click the “SEGMENTS” button on the bottom right.