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All CollectionsFor WebTag Configuration
Conversion package (scripts)
Conversion package (scripts)

Setting up metrics you wish to track for all of your tests

James Harber avatar
Written by James Harber
Updated over a year ago

To have a conversion package, you should add this code to your pre-init script in your Tag.

There are two parts users typically maintain - the oConv array labelled Metrics, and Triggers.




WT.ConversionPackage = function(){

try {

if(!window.WT.optimize || !WT.getProjectCookies){

setTimeout(WT.ConversionPackage, 200);



var testAliasExclusionList = ['ta_dummy_exclude'];

// Metrics

var oConv = [


name: 'conversion_name',

regex: /



name: "page_cart",

path: /^\/cart\/?$/i



name: "click_atb_pdp",

onEvent: "atb",

regex: /\/products/



name: "page_shipping",

path: /\/checkout/i,

ifCondition: function(){

return document.title.match(/\s*Shipping/i)




name: "purchase",

onEvent: "datalayer-ready",

collectData: function(){

let purchaseEvent = dataLayer.filter(x => x.ecommerce);

return {

revenue: purchaseEvent.purchase.actionField.revenue,

units: purchaseEvent.purchase.products.length





// Debugger

if (window.location.href.match(/_wt.convPackageDebug=true/i)) document.cookie = '_wt.convPackageDebug=true;path=/;';

var Print = {},

bDebug = Boolean(document.cookie.match(/_wt.convPackageDebug=true/i));

if (bDebug) {

Print.debug = window.console;

Print.debug.alert = window.alert;

} else {

Print.debug = {

log: function() {},

info: function() {},

warn: function() {},

error: function() {},

dir: function() {},

alert: function() {}



// Core

Print.debug.log('Conversion Package Running');

var Core = {};

WT.CPCore = Core;

// domainID & keyToken

var cfg = WT.optimizeModule.prototype.wtConfigObj;

var domainID = cfg.s_domainKey;

var keyToken = cfg.s_keyToken;

Core.cookieMethods = WT.helpers.cookie;

// Get testAliases

Core.getTestAliases = function () {

if ( && !Core.cookieMethods.has('wt_dummy_pkg')) {

var answer = window.prompt();

Core.cookieMethods.set('wt_dummy_pkg', answer, 1);


var cookies = document.cookie.match(/_wt.control\-\d+\-([^=]+)/g);

var projectCookies = document.cookie.match(/_wt.project/i);

if (!cookies && !projectCookies) return false;

var arr = [];

if (Core.cookieMethods.has('wt_dummy_pkg')) {

var dummyTa = Core.cookieMethods.get('wt_dummy_pkg');


} else if (cookies) {

for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {

var c = cookies[i].replace(/_wt.control\-\d+\-/i, '');




if (WT.getProjectCookies) {

var list = Object.keys(WT.getProjectCookies());

for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {

arr.push(list[i].replace(/_wt.control\-\d+\-/i, ''));



return arr;


/* -------------------- */

// Get matching url

Core.getMatchingUrl = function(wlh, regArr) {

for (var j = 0; j < regArr.length; j++) {

if (wlh.match(regArr[j])) {

Print.debug.log("page matches:", regArr[j]);

return true;




/* Fire CTrack2 for each Alias


Core.trackAliases = function (testAliases, testAliasExclusionList, me, dataInfo) {

dataInfo = (typeof dataInfo === 'undefined') ? {} : dataInfo;

//remove excluded Aliases

for(var l=0; l<testAliasExclusionList.length; l++) {

var excludedAlias = testAliasExclusionList[l];

index = testAliases.indexOf(excludedAlias);

if (index > -1) {

testAliases.splice(index, 1);



var o = {

testAlias: '',


additionalCookies: {},

data: dataInfo


var projectCookies = {};

if (WT.getProjectCookies) {

projectCookies = WT.getProjectCookies();


for (var k = 0; k < testAliases.length; k++) {

var tA = testAliases[k];

//collect control cookie

var cookiename = '_wt.control-' + domainID + '-' + tA;

var controlcookie = Core.cookieMethods.get(cookiename);

if (controlcookie) {

o.additionalCookies[cookiename] = { value: controlcookie };


var pcookie = projectCookies[cookiename];

if (pcookie) o.additionalCookies[cookiename] = pcookie;


// Aliases: ta_1,ta_2

var testAliasString = testAliases.join()

o.testAlias = testAliasString;

o.additionalCookies['_wt.user-'+ domainID] = {value: Core.cookieMethods.get('_wt.user-'+ domainID)};

o.additionalCookies['_wt.mode-'+ domainID] = {value: Core.cookieMethods.get('_wt.mode-'+ domainID)};

Print.debug.log("ctrack:", o);



WT.trackEvent = function(o){





name: o.conversionPoint

}, || {}



/* Evaluate oConv Object


function doEvaluate(onEvent){

var wlh = window.location.href;

var testAliases = Core.getTestAliases();

if(!testAliases || !testAliases.length) return;

for(var i=0; i<oConv.length; i++){

var me = oConv[i];

// Check onEvent is correct

if((!onEvent && !me.onEvent) || me.onEvent == onEvent){

// fine

} else {

continue; // skip this one.


// Check regex


var regArr = (me.regex instanceof Array) ? me.regex : [me.regex];

var urlMatched = Core.getMatchingUrl(wlh, regArr);

if(!urlMatched) continue;



var regArr = (me.regex instanceof Array) ? me.regex : [me.regex];

var urlMatched = Core.getMatchingUrl(location.pathname, regArr);

if(!urlMatched) continue;


//Conditional Conversion


try {




} catch(err) {




//Check if we need to collect data

var data = {};

if( typeof me.collectData === 'function') {

try {

data = me.collectData();

} catch(err){}


Core.trackAliases(testAliases, testAliasExclusionList, me, data);

}//url loop


/* CTrack2


var WTO_CTrack2 = function(params) {

var OTS_ACTION = params.conversionPoint ? "track" : "control";

var OTS_GUID = domainID + (params.testAlias ? "-" + params.testAlias : "");

var useTestGroupShared = false;

var OTS_URL_POST = "" + OTS_ACTION + "/" + OTS_GUID;

// Send request only when there is at least one Optimize cookie

var aCookies = params.additionalCookies || {};

var cookiesFound = document.cookie.match(/_wt\.(user|mode)-[^=]+=[^;\s$]+/ig);

if (cookiesFound) {

/* Send conversion request


var qpURL = "\x26url\x3d" + (params.URL ? encodeURIComponent(params.URL) : window.location.origin + window.location.pathname);

var qpConversion = params.conversionPoint && "\x26conversionPoint\x3d" + params.conversionPoint || "";

var qpData = ? "\x26data\x3d" + JSON.stringify( : "";

var offsetValue = function() {

var rightNow = new Date;

var offset = -rightNow.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;

return offset * 1E3 * 60 * 60


var offset = "\x26_wm_TimeOffset\x3d" + offsetValue();

var referrer = "";

if (window.document && window.document.referrer && document.referrer !== "") referrer = "\x26_wm_referer\x3d" + document.referrer;

var rqElSrc = "keyToken\x3d" + keyToken + "\x26preprocessed\x3dtrue\x26_wt.encrypted\x3dtrue\x26testGroup\x3d" + (useTestGroupShared ? "shared" : "default") + qpURL + "\x26cookies\x3d" + JSON.stringify(aCookies) + qpConversion + qpData + offset + referrer;

Print.debug.log("--- Sending Request ---");


if ( navigator.sendBeacon && window.Blob ) {

var blob = new Blob([rqElSrc], { type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' });

navigator.sendBeacon(OTS_URL_POST, blob);

} else {

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", OTS_URL_POST, true);

xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");





WT.helpers.CTrack2 = WTO_CTrack2;

/* Triggers


// On page load


// Poll for page change

var curURL = window.location.href;


if(window.location.href !== curURL){

curURL = window.location.href;

Print.debug.log('path changed');



}, 1000);

/* window.opt_data


function processOptData(aEntry){

try {

if(!(aEntry instanceof Array)) return "bad input"; // bad input

var testAliases = Core.getTestAliases();

if(!testAliases || !testAliases.length) return "no control cookies found, nothing to store.";



var o_data = {};


// clean data. only keep types we can store.

for(var key in{

if( !(typeof[key]).match(/number|string/i) ){

continue; // bad data type, move on.


o_data[key] =[key];



Core.trackAliases(testAliases, testAliasExclusionList, {

name: o.event

}, o_data);



} catch(err){}


if(window.opt_data && opt_data.length){

// we have records, do something with it.



if(!window.opt_data || window.opt_data instanceof Array){

window.opt_data = {

h: (window.opt_data || []),

push: function(o){

try {

if(!o) return "opt_data.push - missing any arguments";

if(!o.event) return "opt_data.push - you should provide o.event";



return this.h;

} catch(err){

return err;





} catch(err){

// console.warn(err);

if(document.cookie.match(/_wt.bdebug=true/i)) console.log(err);




Minified conversion package




WT.ConversionPackage = function(){

try {

if(!window.WT.optimize || !WT.getProjectCookies){

setTimeout(WT.ConversionPackage, 200);



var testAliasExclusionList = ['ta_dummy_exclude'];

// Metrics

var oConv = [


name: 'conversion_name',

regex: /



name: "page_cart",

path: /^\/cart\/?$/i



name: "click_atb_pdp",

onEvent: "atb",

regex: /\/products/



name: "page_shipping",

path: /\/checkout/i,

ifCondition: function(){

return document.title.match(/\s*Shipping/i)




name: "purchase",

onEvent: "datalayer-ready",

collectData: function(){

let purchaseEvent = dataLayer.filter(x => x.ecommerce);

return {

revenue: purchaseEvent.purchase.actionField.revenue,

units: purchaseEvent.purchase.products.length





if (window.location.href.match(/_wt.convPackageDebug=true/i)) document.cookie = '_wt.convPackageDebug=true;path=/;'; var Print = {}, bDebug = Boolean(document.cookie.match(/_wt.convPackageDebug=true/i)); if (bDebug) { Print.debug = window.console; Print.debug.alert = window.alert; } else { Print.debug = { log: function() {}, info: function() {}, warn: function() {}, error: function() {}, dir: function() {}, alert: function() {} }; } Print.debug.log('Conversion Package Running'); var Core = {}; WT.CPCore = Core; var cfg = WT.optimizeModule.prototype.wtConfigObj; var domainID = cfg.s_domainKey; var keyToken = cfg.s_keyToken; Core.cookieMethods = WT.helpers.cookie; Core.getTestAliases = function () { if ( && !Core.cookieMethods.has('wt_dummy_pkg')) { var answer = window.prompt(); Core.cookieMethods.set('wt_dummy_pkg', answer, 1); } var cookies = document.cookie.match(/_wt.control\-\d+\-([^=]+)/g); var projectCookies = document.cookie.match(/_wt.project/i); if (!cookies && !projectCookies) return false; var arr = []; if (Core.cookieMethods.has('wt_dummy_pkg')) { var dummyTa = Core.cookieMethods.get('wt_dummy_pkg'); arr.push(dummyTa); } else if (cookies) { for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var c = cookies[i].replace(/_wt.control\-\d+\-/i, ''); arr.push(c); } } if (WT.getProjectCookies) { var list = Object.keys(WT.getProjectCookies()); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { arr.push(list[i].replace(/_wt.control\-\d+\-/i, '')); } } return arr; }; Core.getMatchingUrl = function(wlh, regArr) { for (var j = 0; j < regArr.length; j++) { if (wlh.match(regArr[j])) { Print.debug.log("page matches:", regArr[j]); return true; } } }; Core.trackAliases = function (testAliases, testAliasExclusionList, me, dataInfo) {dataInfo = (typeof dataInfo === 'undefined') ? {} : dataInfo;for(var l=0; l<testAliasExclusionList.length; l++) {var excludedAlias = testAliasExclusionList[l];index = testAliases.indexOf(excludedAlias);if (index > -1) {testAliases.splice(index, 1);}} var o = { testAlias: '', conversionPoint:, additionalCookies: {}, data: dataInfo }; var projectCookies = {}; if (WT.getProjectCookies) { projectCookies = WT.getProjectCookies(); } for (var k = 0; k < testAliases.length; k++) { var tA = testAliases[k]; var cookiename = '_wt.control-' + domainID + '-' + tA; var controlcookie = Core.cookieMethods.get(cookiename); if (controlcookie) { o.additionalCookies[cookiename] = { value: controlcookie }; } var pcookie = projectCookies[cookiename]; if (pcookie) o.additionalCookies[cookiename] = pcookie; } var testAliasString = testAliases.join(); o.testAlias = testAliasString; o.additionalCookies['_wt.user-'+ domainID] = {value: Core.cookieMethods.get('_wt.user-'+ domainID)}; o.additionalCookies['_wt.mode-'+ domainID] = {value: Core.cookieMethods.get('_wt.mode-'+ domainID)}; Print.debug.log("ctrack:", o); WTO_CTrack2(o); }; WT.trackEvent = function(o){ Core.trackAliases( [o.testAlias], [], { name: o.conversionPoint }, || {} ); }; function doEvaluate(onEvent){ var wlh = window.location.href; var testAliases = Core.getTestAliases(); if(!testAliases || !testAliases.length) return; for(var i=0; i<oConv.length; i++){ var me = oConv[i]; if((!onEvent && !me.onEvent) || me.onEvent == onEvent){ } else { continue; } if(me.regex){ var regArr = (me.regex instanceof Array) ? me.regex : [me.regex]; var urlMatched = Core.getMatchingUrl(wlh, regArr); if(!urlMatched) continue; } if(me.path){ var regArr = (me.regex instanceof Array) ? me.regex : [me.regex]; var urlMatched = Core.getMatchingUrl(location.pathname, regArr); if(!urlMatched) continue; } if(me.ifCondition){ try { if(!me.ifCondition()){ continue; } } catch(err) { continue; } } var data = {}; if( typeof me.collectData === 'function') { try { data = me.collectData(); } catch(err){}} Core.trackAliases(testAliases, testAliasExclusionList, me, data); }}; var WTO_CTrack2 = function(params) { var OTS_ACTION = params.conversionPoint ? "track" : "control"; var OTS_GUID = domainID + (params.testAlias ? "-" + params.testAlias : ""); var useTestGroupShared = false; var OTS_URL_POST = "" + OTS_ACTION + "/" + OTS_GUID; var aCookies = params.additionalCookies || {}; var cookiesFound = document.cookie.match(/_wt\.(user|mode)-[^=]+=[^;\s$]+/ig); if (cookiesFound) { var qpURL = "\x26url\x3d" + (params.URL ? encodeURIComponent(params.URL) : window.location.origin + window.location.pathname); var qpConversion = params.conversionPoint && "\x26conversionPoint\x3d" + params.conversionPoint || ""; var qpData = ? "\x26data\x3d" + JSON.stringify( : ""; var offsetValue = function() { var rightNow = new Date; var offset = -rightNow.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; return offset * 1E3 * 60 * 60; }; var offset = "\x26_wm_TimeOffset\x3d" + offsetValue(); var referrer = ""; if (window.document && window.document.referrer && document.referrer !== "") referrer = "\x26_wm_referer\x3d" + document.referrer; var rqElSrc = "keyToken\x3d" + keyToken + "\x26preprocessed\x3dtrue\x26_wt.encrypted\x3dtrue\x26testGroup\x3d" + (useTestGroupShared ? "shared" : "default") + qpURL + "\x26cookies\x3d" + JSON.stringify(aCookies) + qpConversion + qpData + offset + referrer; Print.debug.log("--- Sending Request ---"); Print.debug.log(rqElSrc); if ( navigator.sendBeacon && window.Blob ) { var blob = new Blob([rqElSrc], { type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }); navigator.sendBeacon(OTS_URL_POST, blob); } else { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", OTS_URL_POST, true); xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhttp.send(rqElSrc); } } }; WT.helpers.CTrack2 = WTO_CTrack2;

/* Triggers


// On page load


// Poll for page change

var curURL = window.location.href;


if(window.location.href !== curURL){

curURL = window.location.href;

Print.debug.log('path changed');



}, 1000);

function processOptData(aEntry){ try { if(!(aEntry instanceof Array)) return "bad input"; var testAliases = Core.getTestAliases(); if(!testAliases || !testAliases.length) return "no control cookies found, nothing to store."; aEntry.forEach(function(o){if(o.event){var o_data = {};if({for(var key in{if( !(typeof[key]).match(/number|string/i) ){continue;}o_data[key] =[key];}} Core.trackAliases(testAliases, testAliasExclusionList, { name: o.event }, o_data); }}); } catch(err){} } if(window.opt_data && opt_data.length){processOptData(opt_data)} if(!window.opt_data || window.opt_data instanceof Array){window.opt_data = {h:(window.opt_data || []),push: function(o){try {if(!o) return "opt_data.push - missing any arguments";if(!o.event) return "opt_data.push - you should provide o.event";this.h.push(o);processOptData([o]);return this.h;} catch(err){return err;}}};}} catch(err){if(document.cookie.match(/_wt.bdebug=true/i)) console.log(err);}



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