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Visual Editor Overview
James Harber avatar
Written by James Harber
Updated over 12 months ago

1 – Project Name Field

Projects are containers of tests. This field allows you to specify the name of the project that you wish to hold your tests in.

2 – Variations Drop Down Menu

This drop-down shows the number of created variations. On this example page, there is only one variation, the control or default content. As variations are developed this number will be updated.

Clicking on the drop-down itself will allow you to create your first variation by clicking the “+” sign.

3 – Conversion Events

This is disabled until you have created your first variation. However, when enabled, it allows you to nominate elements and pages for tracking as conversion goals.

4 – Segments

By default, all visitors to your test page(s) are considered for testing. However, it is often the case that you want to limit this to certain segments defined by attributes such as device, browser, or more contextual controls such as time of day, day of the week or geolocation. Even if you are creating a target, not a test, you will need to create a variation first before this link is enabled. Clicking here will take you to the segmentation wizard where segments can be built.

5 – Settings

When you select this, a dialogue box will appear that will allow you to set the percentage of visitors that will see this test.

6 – Javascript Add Pre Rendering and/or Post Rending Scripts

Clicking on either link will open a dialogue that allows Pre Rendering and/or Post Rending Scripts to be entered and executed before the test page has displayed (Pre-render) and after the page has displayed (Post-render).

This allows more advanced scenarios such as custom tracking or 3rd party integrations to be supported.

7 – Browse

Clicking the browse icon enables interactive mode. This allows the page links to be active and enables you to navigate through the site as normal. Clicking on it again will disable this mode.

This feature is useful when trying to test on inaccessible (or gated) pages where some prerequisite action is required (e.g. Logged In, Items in basket) etc.

8 – View

By default, the page will be rendered to desktop dimensions. However, for responsive sites, you may wish for this to change.

Clicking on the drop down will reveal a number of predefined screen sizes. In addition, there is a facility to set a custom size.

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