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BETA Login Screen

Introducing the new login screen for the Webtrends Optimise platform

James Harber avatar
Written by James Harber
Updated over 5 months ago


The login screen allows you to login to the platform directly with your username and password or using the Micrososft SSO. You are also able to reset your password from here.

Forgotten password

If you have forgotten your password you can request a reset link by clicking the forgotten password link. You will need the email address you signed up with and entering this, clicking 'Request reset link' and finding the email will allow you to reset this.

Logging In - Microsoft SSO

Using Microsoft Azure SSO as a login gateway

Updated over a week ago

This document will guide you through changing from Webtrends Optimize authentication to using Microsoft Azure SSO.

Enabling Microsoft SSO on your account

The Webtrends Optimize support team will need to enable this for your user, and for any of your colleagues who you wish to authenticate with Microsoft SSO. This typically takes 24-48 hours.

You will first need to perform steps listed below, and then contact the Support Team for enablement at Contact Support

We have built this to specifically have Microsoft handle the authentication, but Rights in the UI managed in the traditional way (e.g. User can view a report, can view a test, can create/edit/delete, etc.).

Step 1: Get Tenant ID from Azure AD

  1. Go to the Azure portal

  2. Navigate to the service Azure Active Directory

  3. Scroll down the blade on the left to Properties

    Note: You can go straight to this URL, but we recommend browsing there yourself for security/reassurance:

    Azure Portal

  4. Copy your Tenant ID and share this with your Account Manager.

  5. We will then enable Microsoft/Azure SSO for your account. This may take 1-2 days

Step 2: First login with Microsoft SSO

  1. Click the Sign in with Microsoft SSO button on our login screen:

  2. You will be taken to Microsoft. For security, we recommend making sure the domain says

    Please log in, using MFA if it asks you to. If you select the “Keep me signed in” option, most/all of these steps won’t need to be repeated until you discard cookies, and you’ll have 1-click login for subsequent UI sessions.

  3. After following these steps, you will be taken into our UI. This will be the Account Selection screen if you have access to multiple accounts, or the Dashboard if you have access to one.

Login with Microsoft screen 1

Login with Microsoft screen 2

Login with Microsoft screen 3

Login with Microsoft screen 4

Login with Microsoft screen 5

Login with Microsoft screen 6

For subsequent logins:

You will no longer need to approve use of Webtrends Optimize, and so your login will consist of simply authenticating and then being taken straight into the Webtrends Optimize UI.

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