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Reporting toolbar

What options does the reporting toolbar give you?

James Harber avatar
Written by James Harber
Updated over 2 months ago

The reporting toolbar houses all of the capabilities you will need to ensure the report reflects what it is you need to see.

Report dates

Using the date selection you can select a finite date range to show data for. There is no limit on how much data you request.

Conversion points

Here you are selecting the conversion points you want to see in the test results. You are also able to change the order they are shown here.


Dimensions allow you to lay the data out differently within the report focussing on differences in behaviour between different attributes such as device, browser or location. You are also able to change the hierarchy of the report meaning you can define the layout to best suit what it is you are trying to see.


Filters allow you to include/exclude certain segments or audiences from the data you are viewing. You can create nested/non-nested filters, use and/or as well as being able to match all rules or match any giving ultimate flexibibility.


Within settings you can change the core way in which the report works. You can define different ways of counting data such as users vs. sessions. You can also adjust the confidence level (which helps define statistical significance of something).


You have options to download and export the results of your tests. Your options are to download the metric table as it appears (with tabs for each section) or to download the raw data which sits behind the reporting screen.


You have multiple options to share using this share icon. You can share reports with people even if they do not have a login for Webtrends Optimize and you can choose whether to maintain this with live data or just a snapshot of the current data you are viewing.

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