Article in progress
If you have under 100k users per segment, a simple and low-cost integraiton is to export your GA4 segments into a Google Sheet. This avoids the need to run multiple services in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to extract and transfer the required data.
These can be one-offs or refresh on a scheduled basis.
Once made available in the Google Sheet, Webtrends Optimize can ingest this data easily, and make it available for segmentation and targeting.
This article describes this process
Step 1: Import data into Google Sheets
Start a new Google Sheet.
Head over to Data > Data Connectors > Connect to Bigquery
Select your cloud project from the list
Choose your analytics data set:
And select the pseudonymous_users table
Your data should now be connected:
Now, we simply need to create a view of this data that gives us the few columns we need (Google doesn't allow sharing of the raw dataset).
Select Extract:
Pick your settings - in this case we want 100k users and just the two important columns:
Note: This is a useful time to filter ony to rows that you care about.
Click Apply.
It may take a few seconds, but your data should populate.
This sheet is now ready to share with Optimize.
Show importing users
Show how this import makes it's way into Optimize
Show how targeting with this data works.