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Public Sharing of reports
James Harber avatar
Written by James Harber
Updated over a year ago

Sometimes, you want to be able to ping a specific screen to someone even if they're not a registered user of Webtrends Optimize - perhaps senior management wants to see the numbers you've got from an exciting test.

Public Sharing as a feature in our reports allows exactly this - configure your screen with dates, filters, etc., and share your view with other people in the company.

It comes with a degree of flexibility though, in that you can choose to either use static moment-in-time data, or use live data just with your settings layered on top of it.

To access the feature

You'll see this small "share" icon in your reports screen:

You'll then be presented with two decisions:

Choosing data

Snapshots take your current data, as you see it in the UI, and saves this as a static dataset.

Live data uses live data, accurate to when the user is viewing reports. This is more a way to invite users to use the platform than just view a specific set of findings.

Expiry time

This is a required time, in days, after which we will stop people from being able to access your public-share URL. It follows an established pattern by software vendors of ensuring that nothing is kept public for "too long", thus limiting security concerns.

Once you're ready, click Create

Viewing the public URL

Once generated, you'll see a screen similar to the above with your public URL. You can share this with anyone you wish, regardless of whether or not they're a user in the Optimize UI.


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